GSP01502AQ PDF下载

A packaged linear power amplifier that operates from 12-15.7 GHz. The device provides 27 dB gain and -44 dB IMD3 @ Pout=+20 dBm SCL with 32.5 dBm typical output P1dB and 33.5 dBm saturated output power. The packaged amplifier comes in an industry standard, 5 mm QFN package and is comprised of a three-stage power amplifier with an integrated, temperature compensated on-chip power detector. The device includes on-chip DC bias ESD protection and DC by-pass capacitors.


 27 dB Small Signal Gain 

 -44 dB Third Order Intercept Point (IMD3) @ Pout=+20 dBm SCL 

 32.5 dBm Output P1dB 

 >33.5 dBm Saturated Output Power 

 Integrated Power Detector 

 Bias 1200 mA @ 6 V 

 Lead-Free 5 mm 24-lead QFN Package 

 RoHS* Compliant